2008. március 21., péntek

He makes all things new!

Last night.... as every Thursday night here at the Bible College we had Koinoina... This is like our Sunday morning service for the students and for the people who come to church from the surrounding villages. Because of the surgery I was pretty weak, I was sitting at the back of our sanctuary. Worship was just great, and Phil Metzget was sharing on "All things are new!" The whole message was really powerful for me. A good reminder how my Heavenly Father looks at me... I'm new, brand new in His blood, which was shed for me... for my sin. He reminded me of a picture I drew when I was like 17. It was a year of the Family and there was a drawing contest in the country. We had to draw a picture about family. Because of my past experiences my drawing was a little bit different from the others. Titled it "The eye of a child". I drew a big eye that covered the whole page with a big tear dropping down of it, and in it like a reflection were a man beating a woman who kneeled before him, try to protect herself with her highly lifted hands... Then the Lord showed me a new picture. Showed me that how He changed everything and the picture I see now and what reflects in/through my eyes is the one you can see here:

He has done all these!! In Him we are new creation and He gives us new eyes to look at this crazy, brutal world! His eyes... full of love, compassion and pain for the lost!

'I have loved you with an everlasting love: I have drawn you with loving-kindness!'

(Jeremiah. 31:3)

2 megjegyzés:

Amber Lea írta...

yea! you have a blog! i have you bookmarked so i can come visit this sight a lot now, and keep up with your adventures!<3 you! Amber

Némethék írta...

Szia, eddig nem láttam a blogod. Üdvözlünk a blogolók csapatában! Nagyon jól néz ki a blogod és látogatni fogjuk!
Isten áldjon gazdagon!

Jani, Kata, Ádám, Eszter

Ui: Esetleg ha akarod, nézd meg a mi blogunkat: www.nmethcsald.blogspot.com