2008. március 20., csütörtök

God`s lesson

I thought I want to share this with you. I was walking outside in the park of the Castle. I got a new camera in January and still I`m in a stage of learning of what I am able to do with it... I saw this little bud on a bush and wantd to capture it from as close as i could. While I was fixing the lenses to the right position the Lord showed me this great picture: When I looked into the camera first I saw the castle in the far, I had to focus closer to see first the branches of the bush and just after that I was able to see the bud itself. While I was doing that everything in the far faded away, got blury. All of it still was there, but wasn`t clear anymore yet I was able to see the bud right in front of me. This is what He wants from us... Many times we - I know I do - try to focus on the far away things ahead of us, things that are will come, but their time is not today, maybe not even tomorrow... If I keep focus on those things I will miss everything the Lord has for me right now!!! It will pass and never will have a chance again to get it back!
I hope it will encourage you the same way as it did for me!! There you go the 3 pics I took. Enjoy them!

Love you !!!! May GOD be glorify!!

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