2008. július 10., csütörtök

News from Nigeria!!

Dear Friends ad Family!!!

Sorry for not writing for this long… but I don`t have my computer with me, and I did not have to much time either.

We got here on the 26th safe. The Lord blessed all our way that day… and He does since then. He is sooo faithful!

Thank you for all your prayers! HE really listens and answers all of them. I asked you to pray for the bags, because of the weight limit… so Beth and me had like 50 kgs extra together. I got a green light for an extra 10 kgs, but still my final weight of the bags I had were like 7 kg more. The morning we left the shuttle almost could not fit our bags… we just prayed and the Lord went before us and we could see His hand upon our whole trip. The lady at the check in did not ask a penny for our extra weight, but she asked for my e-mail, because she wants to go for a mission trip to Kenya for half a year. I could sit ext to the window the whole way… the only bad thing was that because of my bronchitis –which is totally healed for now- and the antibiotics I was sick the whole trip and vomited… At the Nigerian airport we both got a month long visa that we have to extend before the 25th of July. But after that came what was one of my biggest fears… going to custom. We did not get the form on the plane, therefore I had to fill up one right there. The guy was standing right over me and while he was on the phone, watched me to do it. He had not even one question about what we have in our bags. The phone call was more important… Praise God!!! He is sooo faithful! Prince was waiting for us, and we were here. Weird but so familiar feeling. Since that the Lord keep blessing us. I still have some stomach problem …please pray for that the Lord will heal me soon!!

Church is great… It is so good to see all the people I already knew and see all f those who I never met before. The really welcomed me. The first few days Prince let us get use to everything. It is good to see him, Josh, Brett, Glory and Okey again!! The Lord used them so much even just in the last 8 months since I came here. From the last week we got chances to do stuff… I like it. The church schedule is pretty busy, but I`m enjoying it.

Monday mornings - started yesterday – I will do medical service for those who needed. Prince is there as well if someone need special prayer. Yesterday we had about 15 people show up… Most of them with stomach problem, skin stuff, wounds were should be cleaned days – weeks ago.

Monday evening is the prayer night in the church. Usually with 10 – 12 people. I really enjoy how we really pray for all the details and parts of the church life, and people. Good to see how He answers!!

Tuesdays are rest days for us… like today. The day we have instead of Sunday… Honestly I was tired yesterday and I love this day… I have a chance to write you as well!! J

Wednesday night middle week Bible study… Prince is going through Exodus. This week is chapter 34.

Thursday we have soccer ministry and a church service with pastor Godfrey in a village close by.

Friday is the youth night. This last week we did not have it, because we had a bachelor/ess party for Sam and Marian. It was fun to be part of it. The funny thing was that is started in African timing – that means at least 1 – 1,5 hour late, and that the bride to be did not come, because something came up.

Friday morning we went to Brett and Glory`s official wedding. It was really unusual. We were there for like 3 hours and saw 12 weddings… crazy. I will post pics when I will have chance.

Saturday morning we have a kids breakfast at the church what they just started. After around noon is orphanage ministry, what I missed this two weekends, since I`m here. The first one I was still sick, and this Saturday we had Sam and Marian`s wedding… It turned out that I was the photographer of the day… crazy. It was fun though.

Saturday evening we will do a medical service for those who can`t make it in the morning.

Sunday morning is the main service for the church. Prince is teaching on 1. Corinthians. I love the worship… I think that is my favorite thing here. They really worship from their heart… The kids are part of it and after worship we go of and have the kids ministry. I will be helping with the middle age ones with miss. Ada. She is great with them. After church we have some fellowship, and usually every second week we have women study.

Sunday evening Josh is teaching on Matthew. It is a smaller group, but a blessing.

As you see it is a full week. I`m sorry of I made you bored but wanted to let you know what is going on. Thank you for reading it!

Please pray:

- For the services and ministries

- For wisdom for me for all He ask me to do here

- For safety in all I do

- For my visa that get it without any problem

- For the medical ministry

- For my heart, that it would be open to His leading

- For time daily to spend with the Lord

- For me to be a good example for tall those I meet

- For Brett and Glory, their wedding is on the 26th of july

- For me to be open to use my gifts

- For Provision for the church for its new property and building

- For the new place to get done where we have to move before the land lady sells this house

- For the team we will have between the 31st of July and 19th of August from Josh`s church... and for the time they will be here would be fruitfull!

- Give thanks for all He done, for all His faithfulness, goodness, grace and mercy

Thank you for all of you for your prayers, encouragements, support, love, friendship!!!

Love you and miss you all!!!!

God bless you and keep you in His perfect peace!! and His perfect will!


1 megjegyzés:

Your friend írta...

AGI!!!!! I miss you girl! (its anna by the way!) And I'm so glad that God has you in africa and I pray that He uses you in Africa and uses africa in your heart!