2008. április 2., szerda

Kaposvar church - 10 years!!!!????

On the 29th of March I went to my old church 10 anniversary celebration! I can`t believe that it`s been 8 and a half years since I gave my life to my Saviour and Lord! God is so faithful and so good! He proved that over and over again through the last years in the Kaposvar church`s life as well as in mine. He takes us so much farther than we can even dream or imagine by our own knowledge. Sometimes the reasons why we are not dream of those things are different. We do so many times limit Him by our own limits... because of ignorance, fear, pride, or just feel unworthy for anything He wants to bless us with! It took me so many years - and I`m still learning - to understand His love is not conditional. He wants to give me those things, because of His love for me and because of He wants to bless me and wants the best for my life!

I stopped and thought about all He done in my life, how far He brought me since that Thursday night when I said that prayer to HIM! He done soooooo much! ...and He is not finished with me yet!

Anyway... here are some pics for you !!!!

My Metzger Family...without Judah :( (Niki, Karina, Joy, Hannah &Phil)
I can't believe that Karina was Hannah's age when we met

It was so wierd to walk around... so many memories came back. GOD did so much since that time.

Icu and the girls prepeared all the yummies!

I still can't believe God used them to save me! Phil& Jason! HE has a sence of humor... and both of them still in my life! I'm sooo blessed!

Like in the old days... only with more white hair and with glasses!.... 10 years passed by or flew by?

Neil lead the worship with a great team from Vajta... He is my brother... in-law. I don't know how that happened but it is a fruit of God's work in the last 10 years as well, and I'm really thankful for it!

I just love them: Agnes and Eszter. They are precious ladies from my memories of sharing on women studies at Kaposvar.

They are Betti and Peti... old friends from college years... The Lord brought them to there too in a special way... I have not talked to them for years... I think since I`m saved. Now they had a chance to hear a part of my testimony. Pray for them they are great and they need the Lord! Thank you!

I don`t want to bore you to death... Thank you for reading all my notes... May the Lord God Most High bless you!

love and grace in Him

1 megjegyzés:

Amber Lea írta...

i'm so blessed to see what God has done in your life! thank you! :)