2008. március 23., vasárnap

Happy Easter... Little bit late!

I just wanted to wish all of you a very blessed Easter!! May Jesus be the center of all of it! He is the reason why we can have this holiday, and it`s really has a great reason we can celebrate. I was walking over to Arpi and Andi`s house for a small worship, when I took this picture... I love how you can see the pine trees in the rain drop on the petal of the flower... It reminded me of God... The miracle He did while He created our eyes. I wonder sometimes how can people know the mechanic of the human body, especially the mechanic of the eye and still believe in evolution...and not be able or not willing to see our Creator, our God!!! This is how our eyes see everything and in our mind our brain switches the picture and we can see everything in the right way!!! Amazing isn't it? Anyway... I just wanted to show this picture.... I will try to put on more...soon!

"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen,
being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead,
so that they are without excuse."
Romans 1:20

I had all this typed in but forgot to post it.... sorry! :)

2008. március 21., péntek

He makes all things new!

Last night.... as every Thursday night here at the Bible College we had Koinoina... This is like our Sunday morning service for the students and for the people who come to church from the surrounding villages. Because of the surgery I was pretty weak, I was sitting at the back of our sanctuary. Worship was just great, and Phil Metzget was sharing on "All things are new!" The whole message was really powerful for me. A good reminder how my Heavenly Father looks at me... I'm new, brand new in His blood, which was shed for me... for my sin. He reminded me of a picture I drew when I was like 17. It was a year of the Family and there was a drawing contest in the country. We had to draw a picture about family. Because of my past experiences my drawing was a little bit different from the others. Titled it "The eye of a child". I drew a big eye that covered the whole page with a big tear dropping down of it, and in it like a reflection were a man beating a woman who kneeled before him, try to protect herself with her highly lifted hands... Then the Lord showed me a new picture. Showed me that how He changed everything and the picture I see now and what reflects in/through my eyes is the one you can see here:

He has done all these!! In Him we are new creation and He gives us new eyes to look at this crazy, brutal world! His eyes... full of love, compassion and pain for the lost!

'I have loved you with an everlasting love: I have drawn you with loving-kindness!'

(Jeremiah. 31:3)

News about Nigeria!

As most of you know the last October God took me back to Africa, to Abuja, Nigeria. It was my second time there and the Lord showed me that it was not the last one! I talked with Phil, who is my pastor and with Prince who is the pastor of the church there. Surprisingly both of them were fine with my idea of -if the Lord leads and provides- coming back for not only a week or two, but for a longer period of time, like 2-3 months. According to my schedule here at the Bible College the only time for that is during the summer, when we don`t have the school, but we provide facility for conferences. After I got back from Abuja my emotions cooled down a little, and I started to see more clearly the whole situation... Of course the same time I allowed to the enemy to whisper his lies into my ears, and started to let fear, scepticism and disbelieve overcome my heart. Before the semester started I was at the point when I intentionally avoided all my thoughts and desires in this matter. I thought that all that came only from my fleshly desires and honestly I had fears and scary thoughts about it... like: Am I really able to do that? Do I gonna be a good example of my Lord? Can I take 2 months with rain and bugs? Is it really God`s will for me or just my dream? Can I minister to those women and kids the way they deserve it? and I could go on and on and on. If we don`t watch out our enemy will find every opportunity to discourage us and turn us away from God`s will, that He has for our lives. Anyway... God did not let me be stuck in that place... as His word says in 2. Cor. 3:17 "Where is the Spirit of the Lord, there is freedom." and He gives that for us. Anyway... He had to nail me to my bed to finally listen to Him again! I got a really bad bronchitis like 3 weeks ago and I couldn't get out my bed. If you know me just a little, you know that is the worst punishment I can get... The Lord knew it and He did it! For like 2-3 days I was just fighting against the whole things... against Him. After that I realized that its a great opportunity to listen to some teachings and read my books. And I did so... but "surprisingly" everything was about walking in His will, being obedient to Him, do whatever He asks me to do, if He calls He will protect and provide and He will bless me and make me a blessing for others by His hands. Then one day one of my friend called me to ask for permission to visit me! (hahaha... I`m so scary that you need permission to see me! :-( ) While she was on her way to my room, I heard the Lord's voice saying: "I have your ticket to Nigeria" I tried to avoid it, but I remembered it. She got there and I could see that she is very exited for some reason. She surprised me, didn't shock me, because the Lord just told me few minutes before... Someone called her that they want to pay for my ticket to Nigeria. And from that on everything is crazy... I found out that Beth S. one of ex-CCA teachers is going for a year and Prince is praying for to come for the Foundation conference, that means that my fear to travel alone was all for nothing! God pays attention to the smallest details! Still I need bunch of things to be ready to go, but I`m planing to leave on the 26th of June and stay for 2 months.

Please pray for me and for this whole summer! God is faithful and soooo good! And He is doing a new thing every single day!! It is a privilege to be a part of it!!!!

May the Lord bless you in all you do!

If you have any question feel free to ask!

Love you

At the orphanage in Abuja

2008. március 20., csütörtök

God`s lesson

I thought I want to share this with you. I was walking outside in the park of the Castle. I got a new camera in January and still I`m in a stage of learning of what I am able to do with it... I saw this little bud on a bush and wantd to capture it from as close as i could. While I was fixing the lenses to the right position the Lord showed me this great picture: When I looked into the camera first I saw the castle in the far, I had to focus closer to see first the branches of the bush and just after that I was able to see the bud itself. While I was doing that everything in the far faded away, got blury. All of it still was there, but wasn`t clear anymore yet I was able to see the bud right in front of me. This is what He wants from us... Many times we - I know I do - try to focus on the far away things ahead of us, things that are will come, but their time is not today, maybe not even tomorrow... If I keep focus on those things I will miss everything the Lord has for me right now!!! It will pass and never will have a chance again to get it back!
I hope it will encourage you the same way as it did for me!! There you go the 3 pics I took. Enjoy them!

Love you !!!! May GOD be glorify!!

I try it!

The past months I found myself that I had not enough time to update everyone by writing newsletter, and not even mention personal mails. I though I will try this out and will see how it works... or not. :)
I will try to catch up with all the Lord done in the past few months in my life... He really did a lot and don`t think so that I can share all with you... I could, but you would be bored and i don`t want that.
For now.... He done a miracle again yesterday. I had an operation and I never felt bigger peace in my life then during the day waiting for the event and after the result and the time to leave the hospital.
Thank you for all your prayers and encouragment you given me through this days. I do feel them and know that the Lord is answering all of your prayers you said for me!
Please keep praying because the doc found something, behind the polyp he saw before and he does not know yet what is it... Hopefully I will have an answer by next thursday. I have a supernatural peace about it, but I know myself! Please pray that I won`t give in to the enemy`s lies - it`s so easy to do. I want to trust Him and even this time of my life bring glory to Him, because He is worthy for all our praises and glory and honor!!! He is soooo good and faithful!
May the Lord GOD bless you and keep you in His perfect will!!
Love you